Helpling is an intermediary platform and you have registered here as a self-employed service provider and are responsible for your own personal tax returns and expenses.

You can view all your payments in your account under Transfers.

What you need to know about taxes as a self-employed cleaner

Note: This is a non-binding compilation of information from Helpling GmbH without any guarantee of completeness. Furthermore, it does not constitute tax (or other) advice.

Value added tax:

Many self-employed cleaners are small business owners! You are classified as a small business owner and exempt from VAT (Section 19 UStG) if your turnover plus the tax due on it did not exceed EUR 17,500 in the previous calendar year and is not expected to exceed EUR 50,000 in the current calendar year. You can find more information on the small business regulation here.

Income tax:

If your taxable income is less than 8820 euros, self-employed cleaners do not normally have to pay income tax (Section 32a EStG). If you earn more, you can calculate the income tax payable here: Income tax calculator of the Federal Ministry of Finance.

Trade tax:

Self-employed cleaners are also generally exempt from trade tax up to a trade income of up to 24,500 euros (§ 11 GewStG).You can find more information on the tax obligations of a small business here.